
It is possible to confirm about booking and availability through the below button.
※if you booked through this webpage, you can cancel by Cancellation Button.

It is possible to confirm about booking and availability through the below button ”” .

Terms of service/Cancellation policy


Check-in time is 15:00-20:00.
If you don't check-in before 20:00 without contact, we'll cancel your booking and charge a cancellation fee.
Before check-in, we can keep your luggage from 10:00.
If you need to store your luggage, the staff may be absent, so please let us know your arrival time using the Mail.


Check-out time is 10:00.
After check-out, we can keep your luggage to 16:00.

Precautions for reservation

Our guesthouse is an old house, so noise tends to leak outside.
Please be quiet after 10pm.

The smoking area is outside.


Let us know about your cancellation or rebooking as soon as possibile.
The cancellation charges are as followed:
7 days before Check In date   100% of room charges